Pangaea Operations

Decentralizing the Future

P-OPS TEAM is a decentralized organization providing you with validation and staking services, blockchain consultation, growth acceleration and investment capital for innovative Web 3.0 projects.

P-Ops Team

Worldwide team

Your Trusted Validator
For Your Favorite Project

We are P-OPS Team ~ Pangaea Operations. A group of highly qualified technology enthusiasts located physically at 3 different continents to provide you with 24/7 services.

With a combined 40+ years of experience in blockchain, P-OPS Team has come to light in early 2019 as a community initiative around Harmony protocol. Since then, we have become an extended team of Harmony whilst expanding our services to other networks and projects. We are a decentralized organization running validators for several networks, while also providing consultation, growth acceleration and funding to new and innovative Web 3.0 projects.

Here at P-OPS Team we take security seriously, having an A Security Setup evaluated by Staking Rewards.


Our projects


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Blockchain Consultancy

Our years of expertise enable us to consult on both technical and economical aspects of a project.

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Staking as a Service

We provide secure staking to our clients, whilst they maintain custody of their assets at all times.

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Investment Capital

We provide funding, support, community presence and advisory to the next generation of Web 3.0 projects.

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Growth Acceleration

We help projects grow their user base, refine business development and connect them with potential business partners.

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We build and maintain tools such as explorers, faucets and RPC endpoints for your favourite Web 3.0 projects.

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White Labels

Use our expertise and your brand to run your own validator safely and securely, without a worry.


Premia Finance